Nothing HA, just trying to avoid weird RMI GC behaviour when trying to
let RMIConnectorServer do the bind (
Maybe I should update my jdk. :) is the jmx-jboss-beans.xml that gets the
"java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table".
Either binding the JMXServiceURL or JMXConnector (stub) would help
twiddle connect and also align with recommendations from the JSR-160
spec (section 6.2.1).
On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 13:26 -0500, Jason T. Greene wrote:
Or you could just create a simple bean to represent the remote JMX
service, and have it construct the remote JMX objects and jndi entries
as part of start/stop.
Although this makes me wonder what cases we have where you need to pull
a remote jmx reference from jndi? If this is locally running code the
current mbeanserver is all you need. So I am guessing there is some
ha-jndi case you are trying to support?
David M. Lloyd wrote:
> Also maybe the @org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.aspects.jndi.JndiBinding
> annotation might do this another way?
> Either way it would be nicer if you could do:
> <jndi-binding bean="TheBean"
> or something like that.
> On 03/25/2010 01:12 PM, Ron Sigal wrote:
>> jboss-as-testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/naming/restart/
>> binds a particular kind of object into jndi. See
>> jboss-as-testsuite/src/resources/naming/restart/naming-restart-jboss-beans.xml:
>> <bean name="RestartObjectBinder"
>> class="org.jboss.test.naming.restart.ObjectBinder">
>> <property name="namingService"><inject
>> bean="RestartNamingService"/></property>
>> </bean>
>> It could be generalized.
>> -Ron
>> Scott Marlow wrote:
>>> I'm working on adding a remote JMXConnector to AS trunk via a new
>>> jmx-jboss-beans.xml (see I would like to
>>> bind a string representation of the JMX service URL to JNDI. Any
>>> pointers to doing the bind (from a jboss-beans.xml) are welcome.
>>> If not, I will hack through it but wanted to check first. :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Scott
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