On Tuesday 09 November 2010 05:31 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
I'm getting deployment errors for Resteasy + EJB integration with
existing code (that I haven't changed in months). For a simple EJB:
package org.jboss.resteasy.test;
public class MyResourceBean implements MyResource
I"m getting a JNDI lookup error in Resteasy deployment that it can't
Some questions:
1) Has the local interface jndi binding changed?
No, the jndi names are the same.
2) Maybe servlet filters can deployed before EJBs?
This probably is the cause. The filters can be started way before the
EJBs are deployed or bound to JNDI. I don't exactly know what changed
after M4, which makes this more reproducible.
Can you point us to this application? Maybe we could get it working or
figure out what changed.