This was done today by stefan. Adrian, can you suggest a solution for
this, please? We need the JMX annotation.
Adrian Brock wrote:
I'm seeing a total different issue:
*** CONTEXTS MISSING DEPENDENCIES: Name -> Dependency{Required
State:Actual State}
->{Start:** NOT FOUND **}
->{Create:** NOT FOUND **}
*** CONTEXTS IN ERROR: Name -> Error -> ** NOT FOUND **
This is because the XMLLoginConfig POJO in the security deployers
is trying to use the @JMX annotation before the advice has been
installed in AOP.
On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 13:37 +0200, Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
> The server doesn't start properly due to the 2 bean files in
> deploy/jbossws.sar/META-INF
> jbossws-beans.xml
> jbossws-native50-beans.xml
> 13:33:03,250 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Parse: name=vf
> sfile:/X:/cvs/jboss-public/jboss-head/build/output/jboss-5.0.0.CR1/server/all/de
> ploy/jbossws.sar/ state=Not Installed mode=Manual requiredState=Parse
> org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: Only one file is allowed, found=[Fi
> leHandler(a)8930293[path=jbossws.sar/META-INF/jbossws-beans.xml context=file:/X:/c
> vs/jboss-public/jboss-head/build/output/jboss-5.0.0.CR1/server/all/deploy/ real=
> file:/X:/cvs/jboss-public/jboss-head/build/output/jboss-5.0.0.CR1/server/all/dep
> loy/jbossws.sar/META-INF/jbossws-beans.xml], FileHandler(a)2464124[
> r/META-INF/jbossws-native50-beans.xml context=file:/X:/cvs/jboss-public/jboss-he
> ad/build/output/jboss-5.0.0.CR1/server/all/deploy/ real=file:/X:/cvs/jboss-publi
> c/jboss-head/build/output/jboss-5.0.0.CR1/server/all/deploy/jbossws.sar/META-INF
> /jbossws-native50-beans.xml]]