I've started my migration work in
But I need feedback.
Here are a few comments:
- JBoss Metadata does parse JPA 1 style XML files and will need to
support JPA 2 style (schema version, validation mode and caching modes
have been added and need to be returned in PersistenceUnitInfo)
- JBoss Metadata depends on JPA 1 (ie maven dep) and now need to
move to JPA 2
=> where should this be done? Which branch?
- I have moved JPA deployers and friends to now depends on HEM
3.5.0.Beta1 and Bean Validation (adding a test dependency on Hibernate
- JPA deployers has a bunch of JPA interface implementations (of
EntityManagerFactory, EntityManager, PersistenceUnitInfo) which have
new methods.
=> Carlo I can't see how we can use API/SPIs to avoid a branching
here. Check out my patch and tell me if you see a solution that is
less complex than branching.
- what is jboss-jpa-sandbox, it seems abandoned.
=> Should I migrate it as well?
I am bootstrapping BV for now but it will need integration with the
application level BV. I will take inspiration from the JSF work Stan
has done as soon as it's JNDI issue is solved.
Next step is:
- get someone answer the JBoss Metadata questions
- get Carlo approve the approach I've taken and commit.
- in // I will start migrating the EJB3 project
When this is done I think I need to go tackle the JBoss AS main
project and integrate that.
Attached the patch I am proposing.