Adrian Brock wrote:
On Fri, 2009-02-06 at 14:49 +0200, Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
> The problem is Ales' changes:
> Thomas' changes on this build were only testsuite ones, and the previous build
before that
> succeeded.
> It's a deadlock because we cannot release without a fixed VFS, while
"fixing" VFS breaks
> other stuff so we cannot release :)
Ok, but its still not a deadlock, its a tautology :-)
Errm, no. A tautology is a complex logical statement which is true for
all possible truth assignments to its elementary components. The above
is just am enthymeme for a simple deduction with a suppressed dependence
upon the law of excluded middle.
1 IF VFS is NOT fixed THEN we cannot release the build
2 IF VFS is fixed THEN we break the build
3 IF we break the build we cannot release the build
Excluded middle premise (the omitted premise in the enthymeme)
4 a) VFS is fixed OR b) VFS is NOT fixed
A) Deduction from 4a) and 2 by modus ponens
5 we break the build
Deduction from 5 and 3 by modus ponens
6 we cannot release the build
B) Deduction from 4b and 2 by modus ponens
6 we cannot release the build
eliminate excluded middle premise via branches A and B to arrive at
1, 2, 3 :- 6
So, from the premises 1, 2, 3 we can infer the conclusion 6
Andrew Dinn
Damn your vulcan logic, man, I'm just trying to fix it.