Kabir, has the load time weaving performance of aop improved? It was
crawling last time I looked.
Kabir Khan wrote:
Interesting idea. AFAIK not that many people are using those aspects
anyway, although I'd need to adjust the testsuite since that tests
some of them
On 9 Sep 2008, at 17:55, Adrian Brock wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 18:06 +0100, Kabir Khan wrote:
>> On startup, it parses and deploys the information from base-
>> aspects.xml. I don't really think it makes sense to look at that until
>> I have switched to use the MC based AOP deployers, for which
>> is the outstanding issue.
> I'm not saying you've got to fix it (at least no straight away ;-)
> I just want to understand why a deployer (which is just a bean)
> would take more than one second to deploy.
> Ideally, this reading of default configuration should be lazy.
> Because, if nobody uses that type of deployment they don't
> want to pay the startup time for having it configured.
> In your case, I think all the aspects in base-aspects.xml
> should be commented out anyway. Somebody can uncomment them
> when they want them.
> Not only would that reduce startup time, it would reduce
> the aspect matching time if it has less aspect definitions
> to check.
> --