Jason T. Greene wrote:
Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> It's a war deployment which want references from a jar that's
> previously deployed. Since the MRMDRD doesn't do cross deployment
> resolving the test fails.
> The idea is to have an EjbReferenceResolver in the same way there is
> a PeristenceUnitDependencyResolver which can search the whole
> application server for EJBs. Don't use the
> FirstMatchEjbReferenceResolver, because it doesn't take scoping rules
> into account.
Is this fixed in a ejb3 branch/version somewhere?
No, it's outside the scope of ejb3 project. Although the injection
framework itself needs redoing and providing a hook into such a
framework is within scope of ejb3 project.
I raised the issue itself a while ago
, but there was no response.