Why is actually order so important?
I for one don't care how MC beans are described.
Or any other xml for that matter.
I would say just the contrary,
while I remember what are some elements and attributes
I will never remember the right order.
And if I don't have some fancy IDE, e.g. plain notepad or joe,
it's like a lottery to get it right. :-)
Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
David M. Lloyd wrote:
> So for those of us who are mostly JAXB-ignorant - if I give
> propOrder={} this means that no additional order (beyond what's in the
> XSD, if validation is enabled) will be enforced, right? So I should
> be adding this to every XmlType in my MC metadata class definitions?
Yes, propOrder should match the order in the XSD. And, of course, XML
should follow the same order.
Make sure it's all consistent before the next release.
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