Kabir Khan wrote:
>> What do you mean by "similarly with lifecycle and other
>> @JMX, @JNDI, @Password, ... is the lifecycle callback.
> All these annotations that trigger AOP. Are they under the jboss
> namespace? Controlled by us?
The @JMX etc. annotations for lifecycle stufff will be handled by the annotation plugins
which are invoked as part of the bean's describe phase. Adding/removing them will be
easy. So, I don't think metaannotations will be necessary.
> You might want to consider meta-annotations and turning @AOPEnabled into
> one. i.e.
> @AOPEnabled
> public @interface JMX {...}
> You look at the bean's class annotations, then look at those annotations
> for @AOPEnabled.
>>> Again, if you want to take this route, I'd be happy to do the work.
>>> I am willing to spend the next month on boot performance and AS.
>> Excellent.
>> So will I and the rest of MC team.
> Well, I need to know what I could do to help. Is Kabir fine on the AOP
Yes, before finishing for the holidays I got most of the aop-mc-int tests working with
weaving not enabled (mvn surefire-report:report -Ptests-no-weave). I am getting failures
in the tests with weaving enabled (mvn surefire-report:report -Pant-tests-weave). It is
probably something trivial, I'll have a look on Monday.
Let me know how it goes. Is this just a matter of plopping the
aop-mc-int jar within AS trunk to test?
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat