On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 13:36 -0500, David M. Lloyd wrote:
Since that time the vast majority of my posts on the topic of
logging have gone unanswered. Do you have anything to add?
I've argued it so many times before, I've got nothing to add.
I don't see why I should re-re-re-repeat my arguments
just because you've asked for them again.
Just re-read what I've already posted (including those
before we had our previous argument about it).
You didn't give them any credit last time, so I think
posting them on the WIKI would just be a waste of time.
SUMMARY (for those you don't know how or are too lazy to search the
e-mail archives):
If you want to make things more complicated, use a known broken api
and therefore make things more brittle, that's your right.
But it also makes it your responsiblity to support it when it almost
certainly breaks things.
A buggy or badly configured logging api, being pervasive,
can cause lots of problem, something we've had to deal with in the past
and that took lots of effort to get it into a stable state.
Have fun trying achieve the same stablity with your recent experiment.
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat