I was talking about this with Dimitris some time ago (actually a lot of
time ago...sorry). What about having juddi-service in the default conf?
Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
I wouldn't change that in AS 4.2, but for AS5 this is something
could discuss either on the dev-list or on the forums. Do you want to
start a thread?
Alessio Soldano wrote:
> Well, I don't know which is the rule to choose what goes to "default"
> and what only to "all". This said, it's true in my opinion that uddi
> is not so used by users. Anyway if you want to add juddi to default
> conf, I don't see any problem (as a matter of fact we add it when
> deploying jbossws over an existing jboss instance).
> Cheers
> Alessio
> Dimitris Andreadis ha scritto:
>> The last run showed 6 remaining failures, the jaxr ones. I saw
>> juddi-service.sar will be copied in the default/deploy dir, so I
>> suppose the next run will be clean.
>> Why we don't include juddi-service.sar in the default config. Is it
>> because it's not always necessary with WS?
>> Alessio Soldano wrote:
>>> Hi Rajesh,
>>> - the json failures should now be fixed (missing jettison.jar in
>>> the AS thirdparty). I'm waiting for the next build of the AS on hudson
>>> - the jaxr tests fail because there's not a juddi service in the
>>> default conf; I think we should exclude them in that job, run
>>> against a jboss configuration having the juddi-service (perhaps
>>> "all"), or deploy juddi before running those tests
>>> - the jbws1814 should be fixed too (a X509 certificate expired, I
>>> simply updated it with another one which just have an expiration
>>> time far in the future)
>>> - the enums test has now a fixme; I've spoken with Darran as it
>>> seems to be related to some work he has been doing recently on
>>> jbossxb. New version of jbossxb pointed out that that test is not
>>> written in the right way and need to be rewritten.
>>> I didn't create a new tag for the last 2 points because no real
>>> changes were performed.
>>> Cheers
>>> Alessio
>>> Rajesh Rajasekaran ha scritto:
>>>> Hi Alessio
>>>> The job is configured to run on the tag for the version installed
>>>> in AS-4.2.x
>>>> If there is a new tag or any changes done in the branch to
>>>> accommodate any fixes you make, please let me know,
>>>> i can change accordingly. Every run uses the latest build of AS
>>>> from Branch_4_2.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Rajesh
>>>> Alessio Soldano wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dimitris,
>>>>> I'm working on this. The wsse failure is fixed, currently looking
>>>>> at the other ones.
>>>>> I'll let you know as soon as possible.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Alessio
>>>>> Dimitris Andreadis ha scritto:
>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>> Any update on:
>>>>>> We need to wrap things up ASAP!
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> /Dimitris