I found that ScopeKey's hashCode was not being calculated correctly
http://community.jboss.org/message/526058#526058), and fixed this in a local jboss-mdr
snapshot, which gives another tiny enhancement. Here are today's numbers, same setup
as last time.
kernel 2.2.0-Alpha5
mdr 2.2.0-Alpha1
34s:696ms (1)
20s:562ms (2)
20s:349ms (7)
20s:463ms (10)
20s:622ms (13)
20s:582ms (16)
20s:35ms (19)
Average ignoring (1): 20s436ms
kernel 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
mdr 2.2.0-Alpha1
29s:637ms (3)
19s:627ms (4)
19s:786ms (8)
20s:2ms (11)
20s:432ms (14)
19s:827ms (17)
19s:731ms (20)
Average ignoring (3): 19s900ms
kernel 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
mdr 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
27s:167ms (5)
19s:834ms (6)
19s:702ms (9)
19s:349ms (12)
20s:228ms (15)
19s:346ms (18)
19s:315ms (21)
Average ignoring (5): 19s629ms
Now that I'm more into profiling stuff, I'll see if profiling minimal as suggested
by Bill makes more sense to me, if not I'll do a few more cycles of these.
On 11 Feb 2010, at 12:25, Kabir Khan wrote:
I have been doing some work on profiling and optimizing the
jboss-dependency project [1] for kernel 2.2.0.Alpha6 and it seems to have had a small, but
still measurable impact :-)
I did a few startups of AS with jboss kernel 2.2.0.Alpha5 and with a local snapshot. This
snapshot contains the work done for Alpha6 with the addition of removing the break in the
resolveContexts loop as mentioned in the forum thread.
The startups were done on a freshly rebooted machine with nothing else running. The
startup orders are given in brackets, so I started Alpha5 twice, then SNAPSHOT twice and
so on.
37s:247ms (1)
20s:573ms (2)
20s:275ms (5)
20s:127ms (7)
20s:433ms (9)
20s:329ms (10)
20s:890ms (13)
29s:563ms (3)
19s:965ms (4)
19s:821ms (6)
20s:332ms (8)
19s:618ms (10)
19s:905ms (12)
19s:900ms (14)
One strange thing is that the first time I started each server they took loads longer
than the other times, does somebody know the reason for that?
Ignoring those initial times leaves me with average start times of:
Alpha5: 20s437ms
SNAPSHOT: 19s923ms
I'm going to have a final look at jboss-dependency to see if there are any other
obvious and easy fixes before moving on to have a look at jboss-kernel.
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