I don't get it?
You've created this dependency by making your embedded server impl
depend on deployers-vfs-spi.
import org.jboss.deployers.vfs.spi.client.VFSDeploymentFactory;
If you're not doing what jboss-as does, i.e. use a peer classloading
model for those classes, then all the stuff you've compiled over
(imported) needs to be in the same classloader (or a parent
Its the classpath in your case, so run
mvn dependency:tree
in your embedded project to work out the classpath.
Alternatively, don't compile over those classes and use an
interface/delegate (or reflection with dynamic classloading) for
that stuff to keep the classes in the classpath to a minimum.
I'm not sure what you gain by minimising the classpath
for this stuff, other than making it configurable in some xml?
That's why we do it that way in jboss-as.
P.S. This is very ugly, you're depending too much on impl
details of the AS distribution structure.
e.g. version control/maintenance problems when the appserver
changes but you don't either because you're not on the same
release cycle or the AS developer (especially the ones that
can't keep their fingers off the refactoring button :-)
simply doesn't know this dependency exists.
On Fri, 2010-01-29 at 14:22 -0500, Andrew Lee Rubinger wrote:
Open call for comments/suggestions. I'm running low on ideas.
ClassLoading in AS has a few phases:
1) Launch (application classpath, run.jar, some minimal APIs only)
2) Bootstrap (A bunch of JARs in $JBOSS_HOME/lib, enough to start the
Kernel and deploy the bootstraps)
3) Service Deployments (jboss-cl takes over, adding in support from
$JBOSS_HOME/common as appropriate)
In an Embedded environment, the client is in the same JVM as the server.
The TCCL of the Main Thread needs to be able to:
* Establish a JNDI Context via "new InitialContext();"
* Deploy
For these, TCCL needs to have access to runtime internals provided via
jbossall-client.jar. If this is loaded by a parent CL of something it
references, we get NCDFE. For instance:
Here the AS deployment mechanism is loaded in a ClassLoader higher in
the hierarchy than VFS Deployers SPI. I could move where we load VFS
Deployers SPI higher up, which would then leak out something else, and
on and on.
I currently cannot concoct an environment where:
* User has a minimal application ClassPath
* Other ClassLoading is transparent
* Everything works
Some attempt to use an isolated ClassLoader result in ClassCastException
when equal FQNs end up w/ separate defining ClassLoaders.
I believe I'm trying in vain to hack around the underlying problem where
the AS module system is not separated out to support this kind of use.
We have ClassLoading requirements not being met:
* JARs safe for client use at all CL levels (ie. no references to
outside dependencies which would also need to be loaded by the same CL)
* JARs for compilation only, and runtime will be provided by the
container (ie. Maven scope "provided")
* JARs used by AS internals *only*.
For now I think the only way forward is to either put:
1) Every single one of AS's dependencies on the application ClassPath
2) Use a JBossHomeClassLoader which refers out to every AS runtime
dependency in $JBOSS_HOME/lib, $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib, and the server libs.
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss by Redhat