On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Ales Justin <ales.justin(a)gmail.com> wrote:
My guess would be that this slowness comes from the way Metadata
uses this annotation scanning.
And afaik, you also went back to the old load-all-scan-all-classes approach.
Nothing changed in metadata. However, due to the Servlet spec, I had
to switch back to using the old annotation deployer rather than
OptAnnotationMetaDataDeployer to process the stuff that is in WARs. So
that did drop performance a bit. Not exactly huge, but it's
measurable, and could become a problem for WARs with tons of JARs.
> See AS trunk for the exact processing style (to summarize, I need
to be
> able to scan and process annotations separately for classes
> in /WEB-INF/classes and in each individual JAR in /WEB-INF/lib).
This looks like an additional requirement on top of scan-all-in
deployment unit.
I would still try to scan it all - as that's the only proper way to
account for restrictions.
Then there could be an api that would group this annotations according
to source location.
Right, the grouping per location is the extra feature that is needed
for Servlet 3.0.