JBM 1.4.0 will be GA by the end of the month.
I would like to add that one in.
Amit Bhayani wrote:
For Installer Releases we (JBoss AS team and Installer) agreed to
release installer when ever JBoss AS GA or SP is released and add what
ever latest version of components are available at that time.
I would suggest let Installer 1.2.1.RC3 be released ASAP and for next
release of Installer call it as 1.2.1.GA we can add Portal 2.6.1.GA
and Messaging 1.4 with JBoss AS 4.2.1.GA
Thomas Heute wrote:
> Amit Bhayani wrote:
>> Since JEMS Installer is all about different components, I believe it
>> would be great if leads of individual component drive the future
>> requirements.
>> I tried mailing jBPM, Portal, JBoss Messaging, Seam team number of
>> times on what they want but didn't get much response.
> You should send to jboss-portal(a)redhat.com for us. I don't remember
> seeing any email about this, maybe Julien got that.
>> JEMS Installer 1.2.1CR2 which included JBoss AS 4.2.0.GA, JBoss
>> Messaging 1.2.0.SP1 and Portal 2.6CR3 (Lot of issues were faced here
>> to integrate portal 2.6.CR3 with JBoss AS 4.2.0.GA) is still in QA
>> and now I don't think it makes any sense to release as all these
>> components are already changed.
> Still i haven't heard about the issues, 2.6.CR3 was still made for
> JBoss AS 4.0.5. Good news 2.6.1 is made for 4.2.1.GA (And still works
> on 4.0.5.GA)
>> So going forward I would request individual leads to open up JIRA
>> request on what they want in next release of JEMS Installer, and
>> installer team will take care of it.
> I know this is difficult but we need some timeframe. For Portal we
> are discussing about having time-boxed releases (one every x months,
> x has still to be defined) it should be easier for the installer to
> plan accordingly.
> So basically if you plan to ship the JEMS installer in the next
> month, go with JBoss Portal 2.6.1.GA. If this is in 7-8 months that
> would be JBoss Portal 2.6.2, otherwise it's useless. (seen as
> deprecated stuff)
> JEMS installer should be released often on short cycles. If it's
> something released every month, we wouldn't feel like missing THE
> boat when it is about to release a former version (with known issues)
> of our products.
> So what about something like this:
> On the 1st of odd month: check what products are in GA (or SPs).
> Send to each project an email with that list.
> Give us a week to raise the red flag if there are known integration
> issues (most of the time we won't even know, but the released JEMS
> installer will help finding those)
> If there is no red flag release *quickly*. Otherwise postpone by a
> month.
> Thomas.
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