Ron Sigal wrote:
Yeah, Carlo also pointed out that NCDFE is a java.lang.Error, which,
as you note, is not caught. I agree that if ServerThread is going to
terminate due to an error, then it should certainly close its socket,
so that's a bug (JBREM-1183 "ServerThread should catch
java.lang.Error"). But I have mixed feelings about terminating
ServerThread in this case. Unlike, IOException, SocketException,
etc., the NoClassDefFoundError doesn't suggest that the socket is no
longer usable. Maybe a better solution (along with fixing the
classloader problem, of course) is to use a positive timeout on the
client side.
I think some (sensible) default timeout needs to be added so that the
client does not end up hung. Is this something that can be added to some
*-jboss-beans.xml in the AS?
Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> The mailing list doesn't allow me to attach anything more than 500KB. So
> the log has been sent to Ron and the rest of the reply follows:
> I don't think it's going to be too useful because the log level is set
> to INFO and as i mentioned in the earlier part of the mail - the logging
> itself seems to be a bit messed up. I haven't yet been able to reproduce
> this locally. The test run on our build setup reproduces this
> consistently, so we can enable DEBUG level logging of remoting, the next
> time we start the test run.
> One thing to note is that the ServerThread catches a "Exception" and
> later down the flow closes the socketwrapper:
> processInvocation(socketWrapper, inputStream, outputStream);
> }
> catch (Exception ex)
> {
> if (running)
> {
> log.error(this + " exception occurred during first
> invocation", ex);
> running = false;
> }
> else
> {
> log.debug(this + " exception occurred during first
> invocation", ex);
> }
> }
> ....// some more code
> log.debug(this + " closed socketWrapper: " + desc);
> The closing of the socketwrapper will be skipped in case of "Error" like
> the NCDFE.
> regards,
> -Jaikiran
>> Ron Sigal wrote:
>>> In fact, ServerThread should close the socket when the attempt to
>>> write generates an exception.
>>> Jaikiran, do you have a server.log? It should have the output of
>>> log.debug(this + " closed socketWrapper: " + desc);
>>> -Ron
>>> Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>> I also want to raise how Remoting should behave when it encounters
>>>> such an error.
>>>> I would like to see it close the socket outright, because now the
>>>> client goes into a hang state.
>>>> Carlo
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