Hello, since I've been contributing lots of code recently, let me chime in
What about:
- EE6-full (aka all)
- EE6-web (aka default)
- bootstrap (aka minimal)
- reading the thread, even yourself aren't sure if all=default or
all=default+more stuff, what is the difference between standard and default,
etc. Why not making it explicit IN THE NAME itself?
- "minimal" name is not good IMO since people might think it is minimal
in terms of middleware development (or related), but this is really just a
bootstrap with nothing on it. So call it bootstrap, or WebOS or kernel.
- "default" is really just a trick to know which one to load "by
default", but it doesn't give any clue on what it actually contains. Why not
make JBoss AS start by default the configuration that has a "++" in front of
its name - or something similar i.e. "++bootstrap" or "++EE6-web".
Or, if
you don't want people to rename configuration folders, create a
"XXX.is.the.default" empty file in the server folder, where XXX is the
default configuration that will be started unless asked otherwise.
- I agree that jbossweb might need to be rebranded. I'd relate to the
Tomcat brand somehow (such as Tamcot or Tomchat or Tomkatz ;) well, I am
sure you'll find smarter ideas :) )
BTW, are all "server/XXX/lib" now centralized in a common folder and refered
to by name in a configuration file or are they still being replicated all
over the place in each and every configuration?
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 14:39, Dimitris Andreadis <dandread(a)redhat.com>wrote:
I see it's changed already, but doesn't it look horrible?
Maybe just drop
'-standalone' or
where are our naming gurus? :-)
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