I've actually added [VFS]DeploymentUnitFilter to AnnEnvDeployer,
public interface [VFS]DeploymentUnitFilter {
boolean accepts([VFS]DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit);
so this is completely free to impl whatever we decide.
Currently I'm just excluding certain files.
And since [Filtered]AnnEvnDeployer already takes different filters
(resource and recursion), you can even add those (to DU::attachments),
if you decide that deployment needs to be scanned.
protected <T> T getFilter(DeploymentUnit unit, Class<T>
expectedClass, String suffix, T defaultValue)
String name = expectedClass.getName() + "." + (suffix != null ?
suffix : "");
T result = unit.getAttachment(name, expectedClass);
if (result == null)
result = defaultValue;
return result;
Adrian Brock wrote:
On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 13:10 +0100, Adrian Brock wrote:
> For anything else, we ignore scanning unless this
> deployment descriptor says to do it.
> i.e. sar files won't be scanned unless you say
> to do so by adding the new dds.
Or somebody writes a deployer that changes the default
rule. i.e. it creates the new dds for whatever rules
they want.