In a domain configuration you can define a cluster and give it a profile
(plus other cluster-level configuration). Individual servers you then
either assign to a cluster *or* you give them a profile; the latter
means it's a non-clustered server.
Then whether or not a server is configured as part of a cluster can
control whether clustering capabilities are available.
This supposes a full domain configuration though, which isn't an AS 6
thing. For AS 6, we need something else (unless we just create more
profiles). I agree with Sacha's point that there are multiple things on
the "second axis" that need to be independently configurable.
One thing I've thought about is just getting rid of having a default
value for and forcing configuration via the -g
switch. Using the switch then indicates a desire for clustering
capabilities. This is a terrible idea though unless it's our intent in
AS 7 to force configuration of a cluster name in our domain.xml.
On 02/11/2010 01:13 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
Exactly. We can only provide so many profiles out of the box without
becoming overwhelming. The ideal goal is to simplify configuration
enough such that profiles become unnecessary. The modularization aspect
of the profile service is going to help initially, since we can compose
combinations of services (ejb + web + blah). For anything involving QOS
that should become a simple setting in the future domain config (e.g.
clustered_services = blah)
Sacha Labourey wrote:
> The problem I see with what you are trying to do here is to actually mix
> orthogonal issues i.e. on one axis you have a functional set
> (web-profile, full-profile, just-tomcat) and on another axis you have
> things such as clustering/dev-friendly/secure, etc.
> Actually, I am not sure what is on the other axis (clustering, etc.) are
> so much a single axis (since you could decide to apply multiple of those
> at the same time i.e. secure+clustering.
> Anyway, can anybody see a solution where attributes "on the second axis"
> (we could call that "modes") could be applied to each and every
> configuration profile?
> Probably not the best way to do it but:
> - we could have a limited set of true profiles (i.e. full-ee, web-ee, etc.)
> - we could have a "--mode" configuration on the jboss.bat/sh command
> line with a syntax such as (not strictly correct, but you get the idea):
> [--mode { clustered | secured | development | whatever-else }[/+]+ ]
> - in configuration files, we would use a "ifdef" kind of syntax to
> activate specific features based on those modes
> Am I making any sense?
> Obviously, as suggested by Brian, that might not be ideal for the QE
> team though.
> Cheers,
> sacha
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 16:47, Stan Silvert<ssilvert(a)
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Sacha, when did you come back to work? :-)
> I like Sacha's basic idea here. Having EE6 in the name helps a lot.
> And I also like 'bootstrap' better than 'minimal'.
> I think we still need to decide exactly how many configurations we are
> going to ship. Awhile back, Brian asked me to open a jira to change
> this stuff in M3. It looks like that would be the time to nail this
> down.
> Besides EE6, the other two things that we seem to need in the shipped
> configurations are (clustered or not-clustered) and (development or
> production).
> Here's another stab at the naming:
> bootstrap - same as minimal
> EE6-web - EE6 web profile
> EE6-standard - same as today's 'standard'. I guess we still need
> for TCK?
> EE6-full-dev - super-fast boot time, less logging, delayed startup of
> admin console, unsecured consoles, JSF2 PROJECT_STAGE set to
> "Development"
> EE6-full-prod - immediate startup of admin console, secured consoles,
> JSF2 PROJECT_STAGE set to "Production"
> EE6-dev-cluster - same as full-EE6-dev, but with clustered services
> available
> EE6-prod-cluster - same as full-EE6-prod, but with clustered services
> available
> Sacha Labourey wrote:
> > Hello, since I've been contributing lots of code recently, let me
> > chime in ;)
> >
> > What about:
> >
> > * EE6-full (aka all)
> > * EE6-web (aka default)
> > * bootstrap (aka minimal)
> >
> >
> > Reasoning:
> >
> > * reading the thread, even yourself aren't sure if all=default
> > all=default+more stuff, what is the difference between standard
> > and default, etc. Why not making it explicit IN THE NAME
> itself?
> > * "minimal" name is not good IMO since people might think
it is
> > minimal in terms of middleware development (or related), but
> > this is really just a bootstrap with nothing on it. So call it
> > bootstrap, or WebOS or kernel.
> > * "default" is really just a trick to know which one to
load "by
> > default", but it doesn't give any clue on what it
> > contains. Why not make JBoss AS start by default the
> > configuration that has a "++" in front of its name - or
> > something similar i.e. "++bootstrap" or
"++EE6-web". Or, if you
> > don't want people to rename configuration folders, create a
> > "" empty file in the server folder,
where XXX
> > is the default configuration that will be started unless asked
> > otherwise.
> > * I agree that jbossweb might need to be rebranded. I'd relate
> > the Tomcat brand somehow (such as Tamcot or Tomchat or Tomkatz
> > ;) well, I am sure you'll find smarter ideas :) )
> >
> >
> > BTW, are all "server/XXX/lib" now centralized in a common
folder and
> > refered to by name in a configuration file or are they still being
> > replicated all over the place in each and every configuration?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> >
> > sacha
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 14:39, Dimitris Andreadis
> <<>
> > <<>>>
> >
> > I see it's changed already, but doesn't it look horrible?
> > just drop '-standalone' or
> > where are our naming gurus? :-)
> >
> > ./server/
> > all
> > default
> > jbossweb-standalone
> > minimal
> > standard
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