On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:48 PM, Adrian Brock <abrock(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 17:00 +0200, Rémy Maucherat wrote:
> > As a kind of reverse, could JBossWeb use the executor
> > (currently an implementation detail)
> > of the thread pool configured in conf/jboss-service.xml?
> Yes, if it's an Executor and uses the (now) standard API ;)
Ok. So we just need to expose it using a getter
so you can use it.
If the service is able to provide an Executor facade, then it's good
enough for me. Worst case I can also wrap it in TomcatService or
TomcatDeployer before feeding it to JBoss Web.