I got cornered while trying to do some basic authentization/authorization.
I've got here two applications - prototype war (working), real ear
application (not working). While looking for error, I've set both of them to
use SAME application policy in login-config.xml. Authentization succed in
both of them, but SecurityAssociation.getSubject returns null in ear app for
some reason. I've tried to fiddle a little with
"org.jboss.security.SecurityAssociation.ThreadLocal" property, but nothing
changed. Jbosssx client library is packaged in both war and ear(here it is
localed in nested .war) archive. In web.xml there are no roles
defined/requested - any authenticated user is authorized to do anything. So
where can be the problem? I'm out of ideas. Thanks in advance for any help
or hint.
-------- MORE DETAILS--------------
.war app: index.jsp content - some ugly testing code written in scriptlet.
After loggin in, user login is printed out and all associate roles are
listed out:
String loggedUser = request.getRemoteUser();
if (loggedUser == null) {
out.println("No user is currently logged.<br/>");
} else {
out.println("currently logged-in user is: \""+
loggedUser+"\" \"./private/logOut.jsp\"
logout <br/>");
out.println("associated principals are: <br/><ul>");
Subject subject = SecurityAssociation.getSubject();
for (Object principal : subject.getPrincipals()) {
out.println("<li>"+principal+" (represented
by "+principal.getClass()+")</li><br/>");
.ear app: index.jsp content - some ugly testing code written in scriptlet.
After loggin in, user login is printed out, is confirmed that authorization
proces succeded (tested via isUserInRole method), but
SecurityAssociation.getSubject() returns null although.
out.println("user: "+request.getRemoteUser()+"<br/>");
Subject subject = SecurityAssociation.getSubject();
out.println("is user in role A:
out.println("org.jboss.security.SecurityAssociation.ThreadLocal is
if (subject != null) {
for (Object principal : subject.getPrincipals()) {
out.println("<li>"+principal+" (represented
} else {
out.println("subject is null");
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