The problem is that in order to use the JSR160 RMI transport, you have to
get the stub to the client. You can either do this by URL (which means
that the client has to have the whole insanely long URL
["service:jmx:rmi://[host[:port]]/stub/really-long-base64-encoded-stub"] in
order to connect, thus making automated connection impossible), or by
binding the stub into JNDI and using a JNDI URL
["service:jmx:rmi://[host[:port]]/jndi/jndi-name"]. The latter is roughly
what we do today with RMIAdaptor (sic), so it seems the least invasive to
me since one would think that things like Twiddle would then only have to
change the interface of what they pull out of JNDI.
On 03/25/2010 01:26 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
Or you could just create a simple bean to represent the remote JMX
service, and have it construct the remote JMX objects and jndi entries
as part of start/stop.
Although this makes me wonder what cases we have where you need to pull
a remote jmx reference from jndi? If this is locally running code the
current mbeanserver is all you need. So I am guessing there is some
ha-jndi case you are trying to support?
David M. Lloyd wrote:
> Also maybe the @org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.aspects.jndi.JndiBinding
> annotation might do this another way?
> Either way it would be nicer if you could do:
> <jndi-binding bean="TheBean"
> or something like that.
> On 03/25/2010 01:12 PM, Ron Sigal wrote:
>> jboss-as-testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/naming/restart/
>> binds a particular kind of object into jndi. See
>> jboss-as-testsuite/src/resources/naming/restart/naming-restart-jboss-beans.xml:
>> <bean name="RestartObjectBinder"
>> class="org.jboss.test.naming.restart.ObjectBinder">
>> <property name="namingService"><inject
>> bean="RestartNamingService"/></property>
>> </bean>
>> It could be generalized.
>> -Ron
>> Scott Marlow wrote:
>>> I'm working on adding a remote JMXConnector to AS trunk via a new
>>> jmx-jboss-beans.xml (see I would like to
>>> bind a string representation of the JMX service URL to JNDI. Any
>>> pointers to doing the bind (from a jboss-beans.xml) are welcome.
>>> If not, I will hack through it but wanted to check first. :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Scott
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