This does lead to another point, the
lib directory. one way to address this is to put all jboss internal
stuff under internal and leave the existing lib/deploy to the users.
lib <- user libraries
deploy <- user deployables
-Adrian Cole
In my opinion, the user libraries should be packaged within the user
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Jaikiran Pai <jpai(a)> wrote:
> I think we already have the
> BootstrapProfileFactory/SerializableDeploymentRepositoryFactory [1] which we
> can leverage to take a step towards accomplishing this.
> As a first step, we could let the "deploy" folder be meant only for
> JBoss/server specific deployments. We could add a new empty "user-apps"
> any better named folder) at the same level as "deploy" and then ship the
> server which scans this "user-apps" folder (through an appropriate
> configuration in the
> BootstrapProfileFactory/SerializableDeploymentRepositoryFactory). We then
> start documenting/letting users know that the "deploy" folder is
> and the support for user applications in that folder will be removed soon.
> Some users will continue deploying the application in the system "deploy"
> folder, but they won't/shouldn't be complaining, if in later releases, we
> decide to rename the system deploy folder or even do something more drastic.
> [1]
> regards,
> -Jaikiran
> ||Jason T. Greene wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> One topic that seems to come up often, but yet we never get around to
>> addressing, is adding a user specific deploy directory that is empty by
>> default [1].
>> If we go this route, what should we call such directories?
>> I added a few
>> Pros = + Cons = -
>> Option A
>> --------
>> System = deploy
>> User = apps
>> + Users that expect system configuration files in deploy (like tomcat)
>> won't be caught off-guard
>> - Users might not notice the apps directory and put things in deploy
>> anyway
>> Option B
>> --------
>> System = system
>> User = apps
>> + Looks nice
>> - New locations may be hard to find
>> Option C
>> --------
>> System = system
>> User = deploy
>> + Users can still put apps in deploy, as they expect, and they no longer
>> see system deployments
>> - Users will have to find the new config location
>> Option D
>> --------
>> System = deploy/system
>> User = deploy/apps
>> + Looks the nicest
>> + Not too hard to find the new location
>> - Users will put things in deploy and it won't work!
>> Option E
>> --------
>> System = deploy-system
>> Apps = deploy-apps
>> + Putting files in the deploy dir is no longer a problem since it doesn't
>> exist
>> + Not too hard to find the new location
>> - Deploy no longer exists
>> - Kind of ugly
>> [1]
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