It should get even better. :-)
I'm pushing for MetaData Creators additional information:
I re-factored my annotation scanning to be completely lazy (it was
already pretty much lazy :-), exposing the minimal info possible, until
you actually require the full package.
I'll try providing already acquired annotation value/information -
making it optional, since you can always retain it from owner and signature.
But yeah, no performance surprise there if the app involved doesn't have
a lot of JEE stuff in it - AltAnnMDD picks up a lot less classes for
Creators to scan.
David M. Lloyd wrote:
Using the AltAnnotationMetaDataDeployer reduced the deployment time
under 2 minutes. Also this is interesting:
<robmv> dmlloyd: I reduced to 6 minutes using default
AnnotationMetaDataDeployer, removing a WAR file that is plain web
content, but a lot of the files are jar files (WebStart application)
If you want to talk to him, this chat is happening in #jboss on
On 07/05/2008 04:17 AM, Ales Justin wrote:
> What's considered as big ear?
> He can try AltAnnotationMetaDataDeployer, see
> metadata-deployer-beans.xml.
> Or perhaps throwing in the old VFS jar usage system flag:
> jboss.vfs.forceVfsJar=true
> What about if he runs exploded ear?
> David M. Lloyd wrote:
>> Transcript from a Random Guy regarding the startup time of 5.0.0.CR1
>> (his ear takes nearly 10 times longer to deploy in 5.0.0.CR1 compared
>> to 4.2):
>> <robmv> has anyone noticed JBoss 5 is extremely slow deploying a big
>> EAR?
>> <robmv> JBoss 4.2 start with our big EAR in 1.5 minutes. JBoss 5 7
>> minutes and counting
>> <robmv> does not appear to be memory related ([GC
>> 196991K->178224K(312472K), 0.0060150 secs])
>> <robmv> but because it is looking annotations (I think)
>> <robmv> 2008-07-04 17:56:27,400 DEBUG
>> [org.jboss.deployment.AnnotatedClassFilter] (main) Incomplete class:
>> org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xpath.saxon.XBeansIndependentContext, NCDFE:
>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/saxon/trans/IndependentContext
>> <robmv> that is the last line written on the debug log
>> (org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xpath.saxon.XBeansIndependentContext is on
>> my EAR/lin directory)
>> <robmv> EAR/lib*
>> <robmv> final time 11m:6s ohhhhhhh
>> <dmlloyd> is that 5.0.0.CR1?
>> <robmv> yes
>> <robmv> memory usage after startup finished: [GC
>> 227524K->204726K(364624K), 0.0403380 secs]
>> - DML
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