Depending on your ejb3-core snapshot version, you could be missing the
org.jboss.ejb3.iiop.* classes which were moved into the jbossas/ejb3
project, but not included in a build artifact. These are now in the
jboss-ejb3-iiop.jar included in the ejb3.deployer
commit -m "Put org.jboss.ejb3.iiop.* classes moved from ejb3-core into a
jboss-ejb3-iiop.jar included in the ejb3.deployer"
Sending /Users/svn/JBossHead/jboss-head/ejb3/build.xml
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 71909.
valkyrie:build starksm$ ls
META-INF jboss-ejb3-deployer.jar jboss-ejb3-iiop.jar
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