The NPE in InterceptorAnnotationProcessor.processComponentConfig is a
bug and would need to get fixed first. In the past we had a ton of these
issues. It comes from DUPs in the INSTALL phase making the assumption
that there is a valid classloader/module associated with the deployment.
This would be the case for all javaee deployments, but not necessarily
for OSGi bundle deployments. A bundle deployment gets its
classloader/module associated when it gets resolved. This does not
necessarily happen at deploy time. Specifically, a resolve/start attempt
is made when the autoStart flag on the Deployment is true. This is the
default for non-fragments. However, have a look at
BundleDeploymentProcessor for the various cases when autoStart is turned
When you use BundleContext.install() the bundle is deployed through the
management API (and not directly onto the framework) and hence runs
through all the DUPs - this is handled by BundleInstallIntegration. For
this case we obviously need to turn autoStart off because we only want
the bundle to reach INSTALL state.
The REFLECTION_INDEX is (AFAIK) an index that you can use to quickly
lookup the types that implement a given annotation. There may be other
uses too.
The issue you are describing here comes from the general problem that
OSGi and AS7 deployment phases are still not aligned. Generally apart
from the naming confusion it would be necessary to have the ability to
associate a stop phase with a deployment. For example stopPhase=REGISTER
in which case the deployment would run through the phases up until
REGISTER, but not further. An external trigger could be used to make it
proceed through the other phases.
*Actually* you don't need OSGi to run into this problem. If moduleA has
a dependency on moduleB and you deploy moduleA you would see a similar
issue related to this ordering and deployment lifecycle issue.
I have prototypes that address these issues - after Alpha1 I'll take
another stab.
On 07/25/2012 04:12 PM, David Bosschaert wrote:
Hi all,
I came across the following issue while working on a system test that
deploys a bundles and WABs through BundleContext.installBundle().
Bundles installed this way cause the following error:
> WARN [] (MSC service thread 1-16)
> JBAS015967: Cannot install reflection index for unresolved bundle:
> eventadmin.jar
In the case of my WAB I end up getting a NPE later on in
which expects an Attachments.REFLECTION_INDEX on the deployment.
What's this REFLECTION_INDEX used for and why does it not work for
bundles installed via BundleContext.installBundle()?
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Thomas Diesler
JBoss OSGi Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat