On demand JCA and JTA for the web-profile
by Adrian Brock
This will be the first real use of the "new" on-demand processing.
The idea is that unless the webapp looks up a user transaction
or transaction synchronization registry (there's a sticking point
there) or the admin deploys a transactional datasource,
then jca and jta won't bootstrap by default.
This won't effect the other configurations since we always provide
a transactional datasource out-of-the-box …
[View More]for jms persistence
and other services reference the transaction manager anyway
so they will always bootstrap.
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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15 years, 10 months
changes in parsing with xb
by Alexey Loubyansky
There have been many fixes in the last two beta releases of XB that will
affect AS and other users.
Most noticeable changes/fixes are related to internal navigation across
schema structures during XML parsing. In simple words, XB is now (much)
more sensitive to validation issues (incorrect element order, etc).
Some files that could be parsed before, now (with default settings)
won't. WRT AS it would be e.g. vfs, aop xml etc.
To workaround this, you can set system property
[View More]useUnorderedSequence to true. This will make the order in
which elements from a sequence appear in xml not important.
Alternatively, you can call
JBossXBBuilder.setUseUnorderedSequence(boolean value) or use annotation
to bind classes to unordered sequences.
But this has to remain a workaround, not the default. There has to be a
good reason to use unordered sequences. Fix your XML and binding now.
The latest XB has not been integrated into the AS yet (although, I ran
some tests from the AS testsuite locally) due to dependency on changes
in VFS and deployers:
The latest metadata release (1.0.0.CR17) requires at least XB 2.0.1.Beta3.
If you are using XB, please, try the latest beta.
Here are release notes for XB 2.0.1.Beta3
and XB 2.0.1.Beta2
[View Less]
15 years, 11 months
Excessive Logging in AS 5
by Shelly McGowan
There was a prior discussion on this thread regarding excessive logging in AS 4.2.3 and 5.
RE: http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/jboss-development/2008-November/013043.html
Even though Brian provided a configurable option with JBAS-6205, there was no change to the default from DEBUG to INFO at the time of AS 5.0.0.GA and now there are FINE messages logged as well.
Are there plans to change the default logging levels for the AS 5.1 release?
And, if so, I'd like to address JBASM-25 which …
[View More]then requires a new release of jboss-server-manager.
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15 years, 11 months
Accelerated 5.1 Timeline (New Dates!)
by Jason T. Greene
Due to recent changes in the EAP5 schedule, we have had to significantly
pull in our community dates. The new CR1 and GA dates are as follows:
Code/Component Freeze : April 20th
Final Console Inclusion : April 22nd
Release : April 27th
Code/Component Freeze : May 11th
Release : May 25th
There is now only 1 goal, and that is meeting our dates with a working
This also means profile service work is the priority:
[View More]org/jira/browse/JBAS-6620
All other updates are a nice to have, and if you want them included in
5.1, they need to be done as early as possible.
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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15 years, 11 months
Re: AOP 2.1.0 in AS 5?
by Kabir Khan
I have upgraded Branch_5_x to use AOP 2.1.0.CR1 and switched to use
the new classpools that understand AS classloading better. If there
are no problems I'll do a GA over the next week or so
On 16 Mar 2009, at 19:35, Jason T. Greene wrote:
> Oh ok, well you have alot of time, freeze is 6 weeks away :)
> Kabir Khan wrote:
>> It is ready to go. When is the freeze? I won't be around Wed-Fri
>> this week. Tomorrow is a bit tight, but if the freeze is next week
[View More]> it should be possible
>> On 16 Mar 2009, at 18:10, Jason T. Greene wrote:
>>> Right, the question is can you have GA in place, with no
>>> regressions, by the CR1 freeze?
>>> Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>>>> It depends how trouble-free you think this will be and what other
>>>> changes would be needed by components using it.
>>>> Kabir Khan wrote:
>>>>> I have reimplemented the classpools used by javassist in AOP to
>>>>> understand AS classloading better. For this I want to release an
>>>>> AOP 2.1.0. Can this be included in AS 5.1.0? Or do I have to wait?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Kabir
>>> --
>>> Jason T. Greene
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> --
> Jason T. Greene
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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15 years, 11 months
Splitting system and user deployments
by Jason T. Greene
Hi Everyone,
One topic that seems to come up often, but yet we never get around to
addressing, is adding a user specific deploy directory that is empty by
default [1].
If we go this route, what should we call such directories?
I added a few
Pros = + Cons = -
Option A
System = deploy
User = apps
+ Users that expect system configuration files in deploy (like tomcat)
won't be caught off-guard
- Users might not notice the apps directory and put things in deploy anyway
Option B
[View More]-----
System = system
User = apps
+ Looks nice
- New locations may be hard to find
Option C
System = system
User = deploy
+ Users can still put apps in deploy, as they expect, and they no longer
see system deployments
- Users will have to find the new config location
Option D
System = deploy/system
User = deploy/apps
+ Looks the nicest
+ Not too hard to find the new location
- Users will put things in deploy and it won't work!
Option E
System = deploy-system
Apps = deploy-apps
+ Putting files in the deploy dir is no longer a problem since it
doesn't exist
+ Not too hard to find the new location
- Deploy no longer exists
- Kind of ugly
[1] https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-5954
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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15 years, 12 months