Assuming r81421 was the last "good" commit (with "only" ~92 test
failures) I've rolled-back
all component updates since then, except for jboss/pojo cache 3.0.0.GA, since those are
easiest commits to re-apply.
Those runs of the following should have the results:
The rollbacked updates where:
r81443, [JBAS-6233]; update to jboss-reflect 2.0.1.GA
r81481, JBAS-6112: upgrade to jboss-jpa-deployers 1.0.0-Beta4
r81484, [JBAS-6022, JBAS-5953]; upgrade VFS to 2.0.0.GA, fix
undeployBrokenPackageUnitTestCase test.TODO on deploy method to use Map instead?
r81508, use the latest version of jboss-naming that include
org.jnp.server.NamingService_Stub in the client/server jars.
r81516, use the latest jboss-aop with the added priviledged blocks.
r81522, Move to JBC 3.0.1.CR1
If that doesn't work, we need to look into the other individual commits.
Scott Stark wrote: