I think that is the correct direction. By rejar do you mean integrate
the classes from one project (transaction-api) into the aggregrate
javaee artifact? I doubt there is such a default capability in maven as
it tends to be simplistic in its view of projects to artifacts.
I would think we want a structure like:
+ build - project to build the aggregate javaee.jar from the other api
+ ejb-api
+ transaction-api
+ servlet-api
Work with Paul on getting something working. You can always drop down to
ant to do arbitrary artifact creation.
Also, we are working toward getting a timebox jboss5.beta2 release out,
so don't destabilize trunk too much by moving the code. Just copy it for
now and we can complete the refactoring after the beta2.
Carlo de Wolf wrote:
I've copied ejb3x to projects/javaee/trunk/ejb-api (3.0).
I've also
created a transaction-api (1.0.1). I think we still need the separation
for AS 4.2 (the hybrid). Now I want to create the javaee5.jar, shall I
do a Class-Path: jboss-ejb-api.jar... or rejar the classes. For the
source jar I want to rejar anyway. Question is how do I rejar in maven?
The other technologies still need to be put in the javaee project, but
first I want to know whether I'm going the right way.
On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 10:48 -0800, Scott M Stark wrote:
> Sounds good.
> Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>> Should we clone the ejb3x project:
>> to a top level:
>> with branches, e.g.