Bill Burke wrote:
IoC can be done in plain Java. Using the MC to manage every nut and
bolt is just plain ridiculous.
IMO, you will only ever need this flexibility between releases. You
will never be asking a customer to change these things. Therefore, IMO,
plain Java IoC and delegation are good enough for the majority of the
ridiculous amount of EJB and Web Services internals that are exposed
currently within XML scripting. Coarse grain "wrapper" components will
both hide complexity from users and boost performance, without
disrupting flexibility.
Amen Brother Bill :)
Just because we develop cool interesting features does not mean we need
to use them all over the place for our internal implementations. Part of
being a framework developer is having to sacrifice code creativity and
reusability in the name of speed.
For example, when I did Embedded EJB the first time, I created a *very*
coarse grain bean for datasources that manually created the JCA
components I needed to deploy. With this type of wrapper bean,
configuration is just calling constructors and setter methods. For
start/stop you either delegate or manually register with the MC,
although delegation, IMO, is better.
Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> Although I agree that we have user configuration and internal
> configuration mixed up in a lot of places, I don't agree on using other
> IoC constructs to resolve internal concerns. We want flexibility on
> every level and I would need an IoC construct anyway. So we should be
> able to use MC for all scenarios and fix the scalability issue where it
> lies.
> Carlo
> On 02/12/2010 02:34 PM, Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>> I had seen something similar long time ago when measuring the memory footprint of
an MBean,
>> it was quite significant.
>> It would be interesting to measure the memory overhead of a POJO (metadata and
all), but as
>> Bill suggest, having more coarse grained POJOs is better than many fine grained
>> Bill Burke wrote:
>>> Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>>> * How about making our bean.xml files more coarse grain? Meaning *A
>>>>> LOT* less implementation details exposed through XML. You can do IoC
>>>>> Java you know. The vast majority of details within all our
>>>>> files will never ever change, nor will we want to support users
>>>>> this stuff. If our beans.xml file are reduced to a few bean
>>>>> and classes, would make parsing and creating bean metadata much much
>>>> Semi-related, the ServiceBindingManager config needs a schema and a
>>>> parser. I create a lot of MC beans for SBM, most of which the MC has no
>>>> need to know anything about.
>>> EJB and Webservices create an insane amount of beans that can probably
>>> be collapsed into a few beans.
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Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat