On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 13:48 -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:
The TomcatDeployer knows that an undeploy is being done
(performUndeploy) and can configure tomcat to return 503 until the
completion of the subsequent deploy(performDeploy).
My first goal is not to handle it in Tomcat but in httpd for this a
ContainerListener in Tomcat would be enough. The only thing is to add a
parameter to tell how long an application could stay undeployed
returning 503 before returning 404.
Jean-frederic Clere wrote:
> Scott M Stark wrote:
>> The AbstractWebDeployer/TomcatDeployer can inform tomcat that an
>> undeploy is begining. Are you looking for a distinction between an
>> unavailable app and one that is being redeployed?
> Yes. I know that "there is no guarantee that the redeploy will
> succeed" but in production that should not happend and even in this
> case the customer probably prefer a 503 to a 404. (If the request
> cannot be routed to another node).
>> I would think not as there is no guarantee that the redeploy will
>> succeed. I don't see that the MainDeployer needs to change, just the
>> TomcatDeployer.
> The actual TomcatDeployer doesn't know that a redeploy is taking place
> how could it inform Tomcat?
> Cheers
> Jean-Frederic
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