See inline answers.
Thomas Diesler wrote:
Hi Paul,
do you have documentation on how to publish stuff to the maven
repository? The jbossws artifacts need be published properly as well.
There is some information on the wiki here:
How do dependencies work? Previously, when I put a dependency in
component-info.xml, the build pulled that dependency in automatically
and detected inconsistencies with other modules declaring a dependency
on the same artifact.
If the dependency is specified in the pom, then that one will take priority. If
the two versions are both transitive, then I believe maven uses a nearest
dependency first mechanism. Scott pointed out this jira issue
( And there is this discussion in the
build forum
I publish stuff to bin, lib and resources - how can I do this for the
maven repository?
This is also an open discussion in the build forum
BTW, your move to get rid of build-thirdparty.xml was the bravest
seen so far ;-)
Unfortunately, my first attempt seems to be a failure :(
Hopefully, I can get the remaining issues resolved and try again next week.
Paul Gier wrote:
> Ok, I will work on this on the branch. Is there any way we can have a
> dependency freeze for a couple days or something, so I can update all
> the dependencies to match? One of the issues I have is that every
> time I change dependencies in the pom, the versions change again in
> build-thirdparty so I get stuck being constantly out of date.
> Adrian Brock wrote:
>> I've committed this change.
>> The build before it was reverted it can be found here:
>> I'll do a clean checkout and build to make sure it works properly
>> so unless your adventurous wait for a subsequent message
>> before resynching. ;-)
>> On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 14:53 -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:
>>> Yes, let's do that. Create a tmp branch to work this out Paul.
>>> Adrian Brock wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 22:45 +0200, Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>>>>> The components versions in the two files are very much out-of-sync:
>>>> You didn't mention jaxb or the jboss-managed problem?
>>>> I say we invoke "Bill's rule" and revert back to the
>>>> build until this is working properly.
>>>> This should never have been committed in this state.
>>>> The server doesn't even boot, how can people work?
>>>> I have a working build by
>>>> 1) reverting
>>>> build/build.xml
>>>> build/build-thirdparty.xml
>>>> testsuite/build-thirdparty.xml
>>>> 2) rm -rf thirdparty/*
>>>> 3) build clean most
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