That won't work. It actually gives you the ext class loader. The
bootstrap classloader isn't required to actually exist. It doesn't on
the Sun JVM. Instead its actually just a classpath, that is checked
statically by ClassLoader.
So, basically, there is no reliable way to get classes in the bootstrap.
You don't need to do this though. All you need to do is create your own
classloader, that has the same lifespan as AOP. Then if
class.getClassLoader == null, you use that global CL.
Julien Viet wrote:
Hi Kabir,
this should work
On Apr 30, 2008, at 1:43 PM, Kabir Khan wrote:
> I need to generate a proxy for java.util.ArrayList using the same
> classloader that java.util.ArrayList uses. The problem is that:
> ArrayList.class.getClassLoader() == null
> since it is the bootstrap classloader. I can think of a few ways to
> get hold of the actual loader, but wondered if somebody knows an
> elegant/obvious way to get hold of the clasloader?
> --
> Kabir Khan
> JBoss AOP Lead
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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