Right, I did not check them in. Throw it away and release with the
cleanup you want. The only place referencing it is common-core.
Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
I see you have done it already, but haven't checked-in the
I've started a new JIRA project because the versioning is different
from JBoss Common:
Next version would be 2.0.6.GA. There is the question how to version
the spi independently of the implementations. For simplicity and to
avoid more JIRA projects/clutter we could suffix the versions as they
appear in the logging JIRA project only, not on the actual SVN tags,
e.g. 2.0.6.GA-spi, 2.0.7.GA-log4j, etc. The only gotcha is make sure
to assign spi related issues, to spi related releases, etc.
Also, if we really want to tidy this up:
- groupId should be org.jboss.logging
- artifactIds simplified to jboss-logging-spi, jboss-logging-jdk,
Finally, I don't see the purpose of the aggregate
All 4 projects are versioned independently.
Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
> Scott, let me have a quick look to see if I can release the latest
> logging dependency under the new groupId.
> Scott Stark wrote:
>> Currently the common-core trunk depends on 2.0.5-SNAPSHOT of
>> jboss-common-logging-spi. This requires pulling down the current
>> jboss-common-logging-spi and building it. Are we trying to update
>> the group id of this to org.jboss from jboss?
>> Can't we just release jboss:jboss-common-logging-spi as
>> org:jboss:jboss-common-logging-spi with a new tagged release?
>> I'll have to release the 2.0.5.GA of jboss-common-logging-spi for
>> the 2.0.5.GA release of jboss-common-core otherwise.
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