Hi everyone,
On behalf of the JGroups team, i'm pleased to announce that JGroups
2.5.2 has been released!
The binary and source distribution can be downloaded from
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6081. The release
notes and change log are below.
Enjoy !
Richard Achmatowicz
Release Notes JGroups 2.5.2
JGroups 2.5.2 is a patch release for 2.5 GA. It contains no new
functionality, but some
limited feature requests and primarily bug fixes.
JGroups 2.5.2 is also an EOL (End of Line) release for JGroups 2.5 -
meaning that it
represents the last release of JGroups 2.5.x. The reason is that 2.4.x
is used in
JBoss EAP 4, 2.6.2 will be used in EAP 5, and 2.5.x is somewhat orphaned
in between.
Any bugs found in 2.5 will only get fixed in 2.6. It is a simple matter
to switch
from 2.5 to 2.6.
The manual is online at
Bug fixes
GMS: A concurrency-related exception which was preventing successful
group merges and necessitated
shutdown of the enire group.
[JGRP-611] - MergeTask GMS ConcurrentModificationException
SEQUENCER: SEQUENCER provides total ordering of messages. This issue
caused total ordering to be
violated in circumstances involving concurrent sends.
[JGRP-607] - SEQUENCER: incorrect ordering on concurrent sends
RPC DISPATCHER: The callRemoteMethods() method would hang on some
processes within a group during
periods where group membership was changing significantly.
[JGRP-620] - RpcDispatcher.callRemoteMethods() hangs
Feature Requests
REINCARNATION: reincarnation occurs when a group member crashes and upon
restart assumes the
identity of a member known previously to the group, which leads to
anomalous behaviour.
[JGRP-130] - Problems with reincarnation
CHANNEL OPTIONS: Shunned channels will now automatically attempt to
rejoin the group, and fetch
the state from the coordinator by default.
[JGRP-651] - JChannel: set auto_reconnect and auto_getstate to true by
The complete list of features and bug fixes can be found at
Bela Ban, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, January 2008
Change Log
Release Notes - JGroups - Version 2.5.2
** Bug
* [JGRP-607] - SEQUENCER: incorrect ordering on concurrent sends
* [JGRP-610] - Problems with large return value and FC
* [JGRP-611] - MergeTask GMS ConcurrentModificationException
* [JGRP-617] - ConcurrentModificationException sending notifications
in ReplicatedHashMap.
* [JGRP-620] - RpcDispatcher.callRemoteMethods() hangs
* [JGRP-649] - FC: NPE if sender of credits is null
** Feature Request
* [JGRP-130] - Problems with reincarnation
* [JGRP-535] - NAKACK: release lock when message is delivered
** Task
* [JGRP-609] - Javadoc JChannelFactory
* [JGRP-615] - UDP: JGroups always allocates the same ports
* [JGRP-651] - JChannel: set auto_reconnect and auto_getstate to
true by default