If JMX is all you need, why wasn't the work done in JBAS-6330 sufficient?
Rob Stryker wrote:
JSR-77 type management isn't exactly crazy-go-nuts-complicated
(at least
it doesn't appear so to me. Under the hood it could be I suppose, but
what needs to be exposed doesn't seem that bad). What doesn't seem done
is just the ability to start / stop / undeploy / redeploy a module via
JMX. I would say this set *is* a basic set of features, and it is pretty
much exactly what JSR-77 outlines.
Whether or not it's part of the future JEE doesn't mean it's not a good
management layer to expose. In all honesty I don't know if it's a great
one or not... but all I'd like to have is the ability to start / stop /
undeploy / redeploy via JMX, and parts of 77 do that ;)
Question: If something can be done via profile service, how hard / how
much work for the AS team is it to just expose that via a JMX interface?
Is this a lot of work, or do we just need to define the interface and
then it's pretty simple? The reason I ask is because the tooling likes
JMX much more than compiling against different versions of profile service.
- Rob
Jason T. Greene wrote:
> Before, when we discussed the JMX option, and the potential for a REST
> API, I was working under the assumption that tools only needed a basic
> set of operations. Once this thread started talking about JSR-77
> management functions, this to me says the profile service is the way
> forward.
> As to the tomcat API, I don't see how it provides anything close to
> JSR-77.
> Scott Stark wrote:
>> Neither JSR-77 or JSR-88 are going to be part of EE in the future.
>> The profileservice certainly is available remotely, but I thought we
>> were focusing on the hotdeployment jmx based api as discussed in:
>> If we want this mapped into a resty type api ala the tomcat then that
>> needs to be defined.
>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> Anyone out there listening ?
>>> Should we just drop this idea of having good remote control over AS
>>> from tooling ?
>>> /max
>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>>> Is JSR-77 supported ? Will it be in EAP 5 ?
>>>>>> JSR-288 had similar issues earlier - are they fixed ? will they
>>>>>> be fixed ?
>>>>> JSR-77 is required for EE, but it is very out of date, and will
>>>>> likely get killed in a future release. JSR-88 is already scheduled
>>>>> for removal in EE7.
>>>> So we should not even consider using it for remote access ?
>>>>>> What are the alternatives, if any ?
>>>>> If you guys need advanced management functionality, it sounds like
>>>>> the Profile Service is going to be what you need.
>>>> Sure, but profile service is not available to us remotely.
>>>> Btw. I don't consider any of the things we want to do very advanced
>>>> - we don't want to be another JON.
>>>> Something basic and simple as i.e. Tomcat Management API would be
>>>> enough for us afaics.
>>>> It provides a simple http api to list, start/stop/undeploy
>>>> applications/resources (both local and remote resources)
>>>> btw. this is not just for *us* this is for the greater good of AS :)
>>>> /max
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Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat