I'm not sure if that matters that much, but if I am to use the
@SuppressWarning annotations then we probably should at least have the
com.google.code:findbugs artifact in our maven repository?
On 30 Sep 2009, at 14:50, Anil Saldhana wrote:
AndyM was saying that before log trace call is finally written to
sink, there is some overhead in creating objects etc which are just
thrown away if trace is not enabled. So rather than figure out
trace is enabled upfront, log4j does this check at the time of writing
after having done some processing.
David M. Lloyd wrote:
> Sometimes. But doing:
> log.trace("foo");
> is faster than:
> if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("foo");
> because there's no computation involved in the log parameter, so
> it's just
> a plain method call, and the internal impl will do the same check
> anyway.
> - DML
> On 09/29/2009 10:53 AM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
>> Additionally, as we discussed, flagging log.trace/debug without the
>> log.isTraceEnabled/debugEnabled wrappers. That may be a feature.
>> Jesper Pedersen wrote:
>>> looks for doPrivileged in the descriptions.
>>> On Tuesday 29 September 2009 11:46:36 Anil Saldhana wrote:
>>>> I am wondering if FindBugs does flag the lack of privileged blocks
>>>> around sensitive ops such as loadClass, setTCCL etc? I cannot
>>>> find any
>>>> reference online.
>>>> David M. Lloyd wrote:
>>>>> Does FindBugs support using @SuppressWarnings() or similar?
>>>>> This is what
>>>>> I do with IDEA and it works well. I use @SuppressWarnings (on
>>>>> classes,
>>>>> members, or local var declarations) or "//noinspection" for
>>>>> other cases,
>>>>> and then add a comment beforehand explaining why the problem
>>>>> isn't really
>>>>> a problem.
>>>>> - DML
>>>>> On 09/29/2009 08:38 AM, Jesper Pedersen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>> Please, add a FindBugs filter file to the configuration where
>>>>>> we can add
>>>>>> exclusions - f.ex. org.jfree (unless someone wants to submit
>>>>>> patches
>>>>>> upstream).
>>>>>> Feel free to rip the JBJCA setup :)
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Jesper
>>>>>> On Monday 28 September 2009 22:33:22 Shelly McGowan wrote:
>>>>>>> I've published the FindBugs report set up by the JBoss QA
>>>>>>> team run
>>>>>>> against JBoss AS. The reports can be viewed here:
>>>>>>> ugs/ 8/findbugsResult
>>>>>>> This report shows a total of 5675 warnings, 877 of which are
>>>>>>> categorized as High Priority.
>>>>>>> The report for Branch_5_x can be viewed here:
>>>>>>> s/2/ findbugsResult/
>>>>>>> The Branch_5_x report has 6089 warnings, 977 High Priority.
>>>>>>> These issues should be addressed when committing to trunk or
>>>>>>> Branch_5_x. Take time out to look at the report data. Most
>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>> warnings can be easily addressed.
>>>>>>> I've started a parent JIRA task for tracking:
>>>>>>> and will create subtasks as needed after additional review of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> report data.
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