Wouldn't it be better to write a javadoc-like generator that
introspected for JAXB and Inifispan annotations instead of writing your
own XML parser and schema generator? Or maybe I'm misunderstanding your
In other words, use JAXB for marshalling/unmarshalling/schema
generation. Use inifinispan javadoc generator for documentation.
By creating your own XML parsing you've just complicated the maintenance
problems for future maintainers of infinispan.
Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
Recently, I was assigned to complete
The driving force behind this JIRA was to achieve a minimal maintenance
of Infinispan XML configuration. We have scarce resources but we needed
to: maintain professional looking HTML configuration reference, keep a
well documented XML schema for configuration files, and finally we
wanted to achieve seamless marshaling from XML configuration files into
configuration object model. Since configuration reference and schema
need to be generated for every release we wanted to completely automate
this process.
The obvious candidate library to achieve seamless unmarshalling of XML
configuration files into object model was either JAXB or JBossXB. We
wanted to keep our current configuration class hierarchy loosely coupled
with XML schema - i.e not every type in XML schema mapped into an
appropriate class in configuration hierarchy. In another words we wanted
to group configuration attributes into many XML elements but did not
want to have as many classes in our configuration class hierarchy. Any
solution to this problem, including JBossXB, requires maintenance of
mapping between XML schema types and our configuration class hierarchy.
Not a big problem, but this was a first hurdle in a serious of hurdles.
As any other HTML configuration reference Infinispan's should display
default values and their types, constraints for those values, human
readable descriptions and so on. If we were to generate configuration
reference automatically we needed to keep this information somewhere,
extract it, and spit it out. In JAXB/JBossXB based solution, the obvious
place to keep this information was in a "hand maintained" schema. But
schema, although it carries most of this information, is a blueprint, it
does not contain all instances of all possible configuration elements.
For example, our schema constrains that <loader> element has such and
such form but it does not document all the configuration options for all
possible loaders. The source code of those loader classes does! Another
problem with keeping documentation in hand maintained schema was that
all the information in schema was replicating what already existed in
the source code. We already had comments, attribute types and their
default values, they were already in the source. Why do we need to keep
a mirror of this data and then on top of it hand maintain it along with
a mapping from schema types to our configuration class hierarchy?
A proper solution for all of these minor issues, but issues that create
a lot of maintenance headache, lies in switching to the source code as
the main source of all information we need. What we had to do was to add
a bit of metadata in a form of annotations to complete everything. The
algorithm to unmarshall XML configuration file into object model is
about 300 lines of code [1], documentation [2] and schema generator [3]
around 200 each.
In conclusion, out of source code itself you automatically get a kick
ass configuration documentation reference, a well documented XML schema
and XML configuration unmarshalling into object model. All of this with
almost zero maintenance cost.
Yes, indeed, we are almost reinventing the wheel here but this is the
solution we need and we would gladly contribute to a project that does
exactly what we need. At the moment, I doubt that we can do this with
JBossXB, Alexey please correct me if I am wrong. Since we are already
having documentation reference maintenance problems in other projects
maybe we should somehow extend JBossXB with annotation based framework
and apply it in other projects as well?
Automatically generated configuration reference is included as
attachment. To view, download both stylesheet and config.html into a
local directory and open config.html in your favorite browser.
Infinispan configuration options
<infinispan <#ce__infinispan>>
<default <#ce_infinispan_default>>
<jmxStatistics <#ce_default_jmxStatistics>>
<loaders <#ce_default_loaders>>
<loader <#ce_loaders_loader>>
<async <#ce_loader_async>>
<singletonStore <#ce_loader_singletonStore>>
<properties <#ce_loader_properties>>
<clustering <#ce_default_clustering>>
<async <#ce_clustering_async>>
<hash <#ce_clustering_hash>>
<sync <#ce_clustering_sync>>
<l1 <#ce_clustering_l1>>
<stateRetrieval <#ce_clustering_stateRetrieval>>
<lazyDeserialization <#ce_default_lazyDeserialization>>
<eviction <#ce_default_eviction>>
<expiration <#ce_default_expiration>>
<invocationBatching <#ce_default_invocationBatching>>
<locking <#ce_default_locking>>
<transaction <#ce_default_transaction>>
<customInterceptors <#ce_default_customInterceptors>>
<interceptor <#ce_customInterceptors_interceptor>>
<unsafe <#ce_default_unsafe>>
<namedCache <#ce_infinispan_namedCache>>
<global <#ce_infinispan_global>>
<globalJmxStatistics <#ce_global_globalJmxStatistics>>
<shutdown <#ce_global_shutdown>>
<serialization <#ce_global_serialization>>
<asyncTransportExecutor <#ce_global_asyncTransportExecutor>>
<asyncListenerExecutor <#ce_global_asyncListenerExecutor>>
<transport <#ce_global_transport>>
org.infinispan.loaders.s3.S3CacheStore Parent element is <loaders>
<#ce_default_loaders>. Child elements are <async>
Attribute Type Default Description
|fetchPersistentState| |boolean| false If true, fetch
persistent state on state transfer
|ignoreModifications| |boolean| false If true, any operation
that modifies the cache store (remove, clear, store...etc) won't
be applied to it
|purgeOnStartup| |boolean| false If true, purge node state on
|class| |String| org.infinispan.loaders.s3.S3CacheStore Full
class name of a cache loader
todo Parent element is <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Property Description
requestTimeout todo
maxConnections todo
secure todo
awsAccessKey todo
awsSecretKey todo
bucket todo
proxyHost todo
proxyPort todo
lockConcurrencyLevel Concurrency level as integer. Default is 2048
lockAcquistionTimeout Default lock acquisition timeout as long.
Default is 60000
todo Parent element is <infinispan> <#ce__infinispan>. Child
elements are <jmxStatistics>
<#ce_default_customInterceptors>,<unsafe> <#ce_default_unsafe>.
todo Parent element is <infinispan> <#ce__infinispan>.
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|writeSkewCheck| |boolean| false todo
|concurrencyLevel| |int| 500 todo
|lockAcquisitionTimeout| |long| 10000 todo
|isolationLevel| |String|*
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|transactionManagerLookupClass| |String|
org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.GenericTransactionManagerLookup todo
|syncCommitPhase| |boolean| false todo
|syncRollbackPhase| |boolean| false todo
|useEagerLocking| |boolean| false todo
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|enabled| |boolean| false todo
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|enabled| |boolean| false todo
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|enabled| |boolean| false todo
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>. Child
elements are <async> <#ce_clustering_async>,<hash>
<#ce_clustering_hash>,<sync> <#ce_clustering_sync>,<l1>
Attribute Type Default Description
todo Parent element is <clustering> <#ce_default_clustering>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|fetchInMemoryState| |boolean| false todo
|timeout| |long| 10000 todo
todo Parent element is <clustering> <#ce_default_clustering>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|replTimeout| |long| 15000 todo
todo Parent element is <clustering> <#ce_default_clustering>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|rehashRpcTimeout| |long| 600000 todo
|consistentHashClass| |String|
org.infinispan.distribution.DefaultConsistentHash todo
|numOwners| |int| 2 todo
|rehashWait| |long| 60000 todo
todo Parent element is <clustering> <#ce_default_clustering>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|enabled| |boolean| true todo
|lifespan| |long| 600000 todo
|onRehash| |boolean| true todo
todo Parent element is <clustering> <#ce_default_clustering>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|replQueueMaxElements| |int| 1000 todo
|replQueueInterval| |long| 5000 todo
|useReplQueue| |boolean| false todo
|asyncMarshalling| |boolean| true todo
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|wakeUpInterval| |long| 5000 todo
|strategy| |String|* (NONE|FIFO|LRU) NONE todo
|maxEntries| |int| -1 todo
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|lifespan| |long| -1 todo
|maxIdle| |long| -1 todo
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|unreliableReturnValues| |boolean| false todo
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>. Child
elements are <interceptor> <#ce_customInterceptors_interceptor>.
todo Parent element is <default> <#ce_infinispan_default>. Child
elements are <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|preload| |boolean| false todo
|passivation| |boolean| false todo
|shared| |boolean| false todo
org.infinispan.loaders.bdbje.BdbjeCacheStore Parent element is
<loaders> <#ce_default_loaders>. Child elements are <async>
Attribute Type Default Description
|fetchPersistentState| |boolean| false If true, fetch
persistent state on state transfer
|ignoreModifications| |boolean| false If true, any operation
that modifies the cache store (remove, clear, store...etc) won't
be applied to it
|purgeOnStartup| |boolean| false If true, purge node state on
|class| |String| org.infinispan.loaders.bdbje.BdbjeCacheStore
Full class name of a cache loader
todo Parent element is <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Property Description
lockAcquistionTimeout todo
cacheDbName todo
catalogDbName todo
expiryDbName todo
maxTxRetries todo
location todo
Parent element is <loaders> <#ce_default_loaders>. Child elements
are <async> <#ce_loader_async>,<singletonStore>
Attribute Type Default Description
|fetchPersistentState| |boolean| false If true, fetch
persistent state on state transfer
|ignoreModifications| |boolean| false If true, any operation
that modifies the cache store (remove, clear, store...etc) won't
be applied to it
|purgeOnStartup| |boolean| false If true, purge node state on
|class| |String|
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.stringbased.JdbcStringBasedCacheStore Full
class name of a cache loader
todo Parent element is <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Property Description
batchSize todo
fetchSize todo
createTableOnStart todo
dropTableOnExit todo
idColumnName todo
idColumnType todo
dataColumnName todo
dataColumnType todo
timestampColumnName todo
connectionUrl todo
userName todo
password todo
driverClass todo
connectionFactoryClass todo
key2StringMapper todo
stringsTableName todo
lockConcurrencyLevel Concurrency level as integer. Default is 2048
lockAcquistionTimeout Default lock acquisition timeout as long.
Default is 60000
todo Parent element is <infinispan> <#ce__infinispan>. Child
elements are <globalJmxStatistics>
todo Parent element is <global> <#ce_infinispan_global>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|factory| |String|
org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory ExecutorService
factory class for asynchronous listeners
Property Description
maxThreads todo
threadNamePrefix todo
todo Parent element is <global> <#ce_infinispan_global>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|transportClass| |String|
Transport class, by default null i.e. no transport
|clusterName| |String| Infinispan-Cluster todo
|distributedSyncTimeout| |long| 60000 todo
Property Description
configurationString todo
configurationFile todo
configurationXml todo
todo Parent element is <global> <#ce_infinispan_global>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|factory| |String|
ExecutorService factory class for eviction threads
Property Description
maxThreads todo
threadNamePrefix todo
todo Parent element is <global> <#ce_infinispan_global>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|factory| |String|
ExecutorService factory class for replication queue threads
Property Description
maxThreads todo
threadNamePrefix todo
todo Parent element is <global> <#ce_infinispan_global>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|enabled| |boolean| false If true, global JMX statistics are
|jmxDomain| |String| infinispan If JMX statistics are enabled
then all 'published' JMX objects will appear under this name
|mBeanServerLookup| |String|
org.infinispan.jmx.PlatformMBeanServerLookup todo
|allowDuplicateDomains| |boolean| false todo
todo Parent element is <global> <#ce_infinispan_global>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|factory| |String|
org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory ExecutorService
factory class for async transport
Property Description
maxThreads todo
threadNamePrefix todo
todo Parent element is <global> <#ce_infinispan_global>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|marshallerClass| |String|
org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller todo
|version| |String| 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT todo
todo Parent element is <global> <#ce_infinispan_global>.
Attribute Type Default Description
todo Parent element is <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|batchSize| |int| 100 TODO
|threadPoolSize| |int| 1 TODO
|enabled| |boolean| false TODO
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.binary.JdbcBinaryCacheStore Parent
element is <loaders> <#ce_default_loaders>. Child elements are
<async> <#ce_loader_async>,<singletonStore>
Attribute Type Default Description
|fetchPersistentState| |boolean| false If true, fetch
persistent state on state transfer
|ignoreModifications| |boolean| false If true, any operation
that modifies the cache store (remove, clear, store...etc) won't
be applied to it
|purgeOnStartup| |boolean| false If true, purge node state on
|class| |String|
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.binary.JdbcBinaryCacheStore Full
class name of a cache loader
todo Parent element is <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Property Description
batchSize todo
fetchSize todo
createTableOnStart todo
dropTableOnExit todo
bucketTableName todo
idColumnName todo
idColumnType todo
dataColumnName todo
dataColumnType todo
timestampColumnName todo
timestampColumnType todo
connectionUrl todo
userName todo
password todo
driverClass todo
connectionFactoryClass todo
lockConcurrencyLevel Concurrency level as integer. Default is 2048
lockAcquistionTimeout Default lock acquisition timeout as long.
Default is 60000
org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore Parent element is
<loaders> <#ce_default_loaders>. Child elements are <async>
Attribute Type Default Description
|fetchPersistentState| |boolean| false If true, fetch
persistent state on state transfer
|ignoreModifications| |boolean| false If true, any operation
that modifies the cache store (remove, clear, store...etc) won't
be applied to it
|purgeOnStartup| |boolean| false If true, purge node state on
|class| |String| org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore
Full class name of a cache loader
todo Parent element is <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Property Description
location Path to file
lockConcurrencyLevel Concurrency level as integer. Default is 2048
lockAcquistionTimeout Default lock acquisition timeout as long.
Default is 60000
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.mixed.JdbcMixedCacheStore Parent
element is <loaders> <#ce_default_loaders>. Child elements are
<async> <#ce_loader_async>,<singletonStore>
Attribute Type Default Description
|fetchPersistentState| |boolean| false If true, fetch
persistent state on state transfer
|ignoreModifications| |boolean| false If true, any operation
that modifies the cache store (remove, clear, store...etc) won't
be applied to it
|purgeOnStartup| |boolean| false If true, purge node state on
|class| |String|
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.mixed.JdbcMixedCacheStore Full class
name of a cache loader
todo Parent element is <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Property Description
batchSize todo
lockAcquistionTimeout todo
fetchSize todo
connectionUrl todo
userName todo
password todo
driverClass todo
idColumnNameForStrings todo
idColumnTypeForStrings todo
tableNameForStrings todo
dataColumnNameForStrings todo
dataColumnTypeForStrings todo
timestampColumnNameForStrings todo
timestampColumnTypeForStrings todo
createTableOnStartForStrings todo
dropTableOnExitForStrings todo
idColumnNameForBinary todo
idColumnTypeForBinary todo
tableNameForBinary todo
dataColumnNameForBinary todo
dataColumnTypeForBinary todo
timestampColumnNameForBinary todo
timestampColumnTypeForBinary todo
createTableOnStartForBinary todo
dropTableOnExitForBinary todo
key2StringMapperClass todo
lockConcurrencyLevelForStrings todo
lockConcurrencyLevelForBinary todo
todo Parent element is <loader> <#ce_loaders_loader>.
Attribute Type Default Description
|enabled| |boolean| false Switch to enable singleton store
|pushStateWhenCoordinator| |boolean| true TODO
|pushStateTimeout| |long| 10000 TODO
todo Parent element is <customInterceptors>
Attribute Type Default Description
|class| |String| null todo
|after| |String| null todo
|before| |String| null todo
|index| |int| -1 todo
|position| |String| null todo
Property Description
anyCustomProperty todo
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