There have been a number of discussions around this issue going on,
where I've commented, but I'll repeat myself here:
2.0.9 vs. 2.2.0.Alpha is up to you all. It just can't blow up the AS
testsuite or blow the deadline. Easy I know. :)
On 01/26/2010 05:01 AM, Ales Justin wrote:
Afair, the trunk and current 2.0.x branch also include some
shutdown changes made by Adrian.
This is all thoroughly tested, but afaik, not (fully) needed for our OSGi.
I'm saying fully, as we can still use jb-cl, w/o "shutdown" changes,
it's just that we won't be completely OSGi compatible - diff undeploy
I'm not aware of any change that would break backwards compatibility.
The stuff Adrian and Thomas added just adds new features, backed by
default behavior in abstract/common classes.
So, I'm OK with any option we choose:
* release 2.2.0.Alpha1
* release 2.0.9.GA
* release 2.0.8.SP1 with just Thomas' needed changes
Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
> Can we have someone from MC please review the needed changes to have a second
> regarding backwards compatibility?
> As Brian pointed out, we should try to stick to the M2 schedule (which has been known
> some time now) without adding unnecessary risk.
> Thomas Diesler wrote:
>> OSGi related changes to the CL 2.0.8 code base are about the OSGi notion
>> of fragments and native code.
>> Existing classloading semantics would not be affected AFAIK.
>> -thomas
>> On 01/26/2010 10:24 AM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
>>> This means, that M2 would be the first AS release since the
>>> interception of JBoss OSGi in Mar-2009 that will NOT have support for
>>> our own JBossMC based OSGi Core Framework.
>>> Which would not be in line with what Mark says here:
>>> "We can support OSGi bundles running alongside our native
>>> equivalent format," Little said.
>>> Instead, I'd suggest we do the necessary jboss-cl update and the QA
>>> associated with it.
>>> In case jboss-cl 2.2.x is not in a state where it can be released and
>>> brought into AS, I could also try to merge the necessary changes back
>>> to the 2.0.8 code base
>>> and we include the resulting 2.0.8.SP1 release.
>>> Whatever the direction is, I believe an update is necessary (i.e.
>>> JBAS-7650 is not optional). If you want to go the 2.0.8 route, please
>>> let me know and I can do the necessary merges and possibly the SP1
>>> release if Adrian is not available.
>>> cheers
>>> -thomas
>>> On 01/25/2010 05:32 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>> There'd have to be a release first; looking at the task list[1] it
>>>> we're a ways away from an 2.2.0.Alpha.
>>>> The integration cutoff for M2 is Jan 31, and for something as
>>>> fundamental as this it would really have to be done (including full AS
>>>> testsuite runs done before commit showing no regressions) by tomorrow. I
>>>> don't think that's likely, so IMO this is an M3 upgrade.
>>>> [1]
>>>> On 01/25/2010 01:54 AM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
>>>>> Hi Folks,
>>>>> is there an update of jboss-cl planned in the future? What's
>>>>> AS from using jboss-cl 2.2.x?
>>>>> cheers
>>>>> -thomas
>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Thomas Diesler
>>>>> JBoss OSGi Lead
>>>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>> Thomas Diesler
>>> JBoss OSGi Lead
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>> --
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Thomas Diesler
>> JBoss OSGi Lead
>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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