I guess you're reading a lot of different manifest files.
Since all of the code in VFSCLPolicy is cached.
But to read manifest a lot of slow ops are present.
* find the root with class file
** read-in all jars
** navigate to class file
* read manifest.mf
** again navigate
** read manifest attributes
Which means a lot of PathTokenizer and StructuredVirtualFileHandler usage.
With VFS-performance issue already present in MC dev forum,
I'll have a look what can be improved, and then re-run this …
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Can you please make sure you deploy any snapshots that are being used.
I managed to build my own 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT of the MC, but there are others
that appear to missing which is I think why tests are failing for me?
| [WARNING] Attempting to build MavenProject instance for Artifact (org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.log:1.1.0-20090817.141229-3) of type: jar; constructing POM artifact instead.
| [WARNING] Attempting to build MavenProject instance for Artifact (org.jboss.osgi.bundles:jboss-…
[View More]osgi-common:1.0.1-20090729.115819-1) of type: jar; constructing POM artifact instead.
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