The parsing of ParameterAttribute(s) and its decendent classes was already broken. The
issue is in the javacc generated code.
The change I made was to parse the BundleSymbolicName as a ParameterAttribute
instead of a plain string because it has directives and attributes, e.g.;singleton=true
The reason is that the grammer is ambigous so sometimes it thinks it is parsing a PATH
when it should be parsing a QNAME.
The "tokenizer" part of the code is generating a wrong token and then it fails
to match
in the parsing.
There's a commented out test with a TODO in the package import testing because of
Fixing this parsing problem is on my list of things to fix.
P.S. This is an "anti-pattern"
| public String getBundleSymbolicName()
| {
| <snip/>
| if (symbolicName == null)
| throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot obtain " +
| return symbolicName;
| }
You shouldn't put validation logic in the metadata model.
This validation of the model should be done when we are asked to install the bundle
so that others can augment/vary the model.
e.g. you could imagine a custom deployer that does for example
| OSGiMetaData md = ...;
| if (md.getBundleSymbolicName() == null)
| // generate one
Instead your validation in the getter would mean it has to catch the exception which is
counter intuitive.
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