Hi Scott,
do you have a jboss-as branch and a test case to look at?
On Dec 18, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Scott Marlow <smarlow(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Thomas,
http://pastie.org/5547908 contains most of what I'm doing to try running the tck
locally (after checking out git source/branches).
http://pastie.org/5547938 contains the errors that occur during the "./antrun.sh
run-tests jpa". These look similar to what the below Jenkins run is getting, so I
think that my machine is probably configured well enough for when we get started next
year. :-)
On 12/17/2012 05:35 AM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I fixed a few issues with the JPA TCK setup - it is now running here
> Early next year we can go through the failing tests together and find
> out what needs to get done. We'll probably not meet the EAP6.1 deadline
> (08-Jan) but thats not a problem because it was not on the roadmap
> anyway.
> Here the changes in a little more detail:
> - integration/jpa now contains the org.osgi.service.jpa API and exports
> that package capability properly. Jenkins uses
> - The TCK uses a package import javax.persistence;version="[1.0,2.0)"
> which excludes 2.0. I believe this is not correct but I need to check
> with the Alliance if the TCK is really supposed to exclude 2.0 providers
> - The TCK uses a package import org.osgi.service.jpa;version="[1.1,2.0)"
> which excludes 1.0. As above, I believe this is not correct because
> enterprise 4.2 is about org.osgi.service.jpa;version=1.0
> Hava a good holiday & talk to you soon
> cheers
> --thomas
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Thomas Diesler
> JBoss OSGi Lead
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thomas Diesler
JBoss OSGi Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat