Currently bundle class loading uses VFSClassLoaderPolicy, which seems to load the class
from the private packages first rather than considering imports.
This is related to
How can I configure/swap the policy being used?
More specifically I see in BaseClassLoaderDomain that
| Loader findLoaderInImports(ClassLoaderInformation info, String name, boolean
| {
| List<? extends DelegateLoader> delegates = info.getDelegates();
| if (delegates == null || delegates.isEmpty())
| {
| if (trace)
| log.trace(this + " not loading " + name + " from imports it
has no delegates");
| return null;
| }
does not have delegates for imports.
At the end of the day I want org.apache.felix.log.jar to load
[org.osgi.service.log.LogService] from org.osgi.compendium.jar
You can reproduce the issue by running
| [tdiesler@tdvaio trunk]$ mvn -Dtest=SimpleLogServiceTestCase test
| Running org.jboss.test.osgi.integration.simple.SimpleLogServiceTestCase
| FIXME [JBOSGI-135] Cannot handle package beeing imported and exported by the same
| Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.355 sec
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