Ok, right. We also want to simplify the bootstrap.xml to remove the
bindings.xml if we can. I tried in in default and it fails because the
WarDeployer references the ServiceBindingManager, but probably can be
updated to move that into the jbossweb.sar. That's a separate
simplification at this point.
Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
No I mean deploy/naming-jboss-beans.xml referencing the
(the double "port" reference is probably a mistake, as well)
<property name="port">1099</property>
<property name="port">
<value-factory bean="ServiceBindingManager"
<!-- The bootstrap JNP server bind address. This also sets the
RMI service bind address. Empty == all addresses
<!-- The port of the RMI naming service, 0 == anonymous -->
<property name="rmiPort">
<value-factory bean="ServiceBindingManager"
Ok, so I can create a simplified version of this for the minimal
config. Just tested it locally and it boots fine.