I think it a good idea. I'll try in this direction...
Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
How about having them as maven artifacts which can state what version
they work with ?
Just an idea...
> This is a good question. I don't think JBoss AS currently has a
> specific place for examples. But putting examples in the AS would be
> a great help to users to get started with various features provided
> in the AS, without even reading the docs through first. Take JBM
> examples as an example. If we don't put the examples in the AS 5,
> users have to find the correct version of JBM and download the
> examples. With the examples built into AS 5, users can simply install
> AS and cd to the examples dir and run ant without any changes and
> configurations, the quickest way to get know of JBoss Messaging.
> I would suggest that we from now on take care of examples and docs
> (so far there is no docs in the docs directory either). We can
> separate examples from docs directory, as first-level directory (I
> mean directly under $JBOSS_HOME). So there will be $JBOSS_HOME/docs
> and $JBOSS_HOME/examples. And we can add the documents and examples
> to the AS distro. This way users will no longer need to download the
> AS documents and examples separately.
> Howard
> Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>> Sorry to resurrect this thread but we haven't clarified where to put
>> code samples.
>> Historically they were part of the jboss docs while docs/examples in
>> the distro was holding schemas/dtd, optional features/services, jca
>> descriptors, etc., but not sources.
>> The jboss docs are here:
>> Howard Gao wrote:
>>> Thanks Shelly.
>>> Shelly McGowan wrote:
>>>> Howard/Clebert,
>>>> The latest roadmap discussions can be seen here:
>>>> Commits should also be done in the 5.0 Branch too:
>>>> Shelly
>>>> On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 10:53 +0800, Howard Gao wrote:
>>>>> I only know this one. :) I need to make sure it is the right
>>>>> place to go.
>>>>> Clebert Suconic wrote:
>>>>>> Are there any other branches we have to update?
>>>>>> Howard Gao wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi JBoss team,
>>>>>>> I'm working to add JBoss Messaging 1.4 examples to AS 5
>>>>>>> repo. The location I put those examples is
>>>>>>> messaging/src/etc/examples
>>>>>>> and the examples will be built into AS 5 installation
>>>>>>> the location will be :
>>>>>>> $JBOSS_HOME/docs/examples/jms/examples
>>>>>>> I'm asking two questions,
>>>>>>> 1. are those above locations OK ?
>>>>>>> 2. I'm working on the AS 5 trunk
>>>>>>> (
https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk), is that also OK
>>>>>>> that those changes go to the trunk?
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> Howard
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> jboss-development mailing list
>>>>> jboss-development(a)lists.jboss.org
>>>>> Subject:
>>>>> Re: [jboss-dev] AS5.x, AS6 roadmaps
>>>>> From:
>>>>> Dimitris Andreadis <dandread(a)redhat.com>
>>>>> Date:
>>>>> Mon, 22 Dec 2008 20:16:52 +0200
>>>>> To:
>>>>> "JBoss.org development list"
>>>>> To:
>>>>> "JBoss.org development list"
>>>>> Regarding EAP5, my suggestion is to stick with Branch_5_0 and
>>>>> continue work there. If at some point we *have* to consider
>>>>> non-backwards compatible changes, then we can branch off
>>>>> Branch_5_1 from the latest Branch_5_0. Or even stay with
>>>>> Branch_5_0 if the changes are not significant.
>>>>> What are the non-backward compatible changes anyway? That's the
>>>>> real question to ask. If we are certain of those we could
>>>>> Branch_5_1 now. The key is that we don't want to deviate much
>>>>> from 5.0.0.GA. Otherwise all the testing and stabilization we
>>>>> have done is lost.
>>>>> About trunk, I think we should point to AS6 Alpha. To try
>>>>> experimenting with a different Bootstrap+ProfileService type of
>>>>> setup either create another working branch or an external project
>>>>> (JBoss Reloaded or whatever) and merge back when done.
>>>>> I think the key is to keep trunk relatively usable and stable. If
>>>>> we start breaking things here and there we'll repeat the same
>>>>> mistakes we did with AS5; the whole thing will soon get out of
>>>>> control.
>>>>> Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>>>> Tied to this is what we're going to do with the branches.
>>>>>> We need a branch to get to EAP 5 which will contain fixes which
>>>>>> are not backwards compatible with AS 5.0 GA, by definition this
>>>>>> rules out Branch_5_0. For community purposes we should only have
>>>>>> to use trunk, so effectively Branch_5_0 is a dead branch unless
>>>>>> we need to do a 5.0.1. So we might as well startup the EAP
>>>>>> branch right away.
>>>>>> In AS trunk we can pursue the plan outlined below by Scott.
>>>>>> Meanwhile I would say we create an AS 6 project in which we
>>>>>> build 6 as we envisioned it in the first place: JBoss Bootstrap
>>>>>> (MC, VDF etc) + JBoss Profile Service. For the first iteration
>>>>>> we can hardcode one profile: JavaEE 6 until the Profile Service
>>>>>> is up and running. That means any components coming free out of
>>>>>> the AS 5 (/trunk) refactoring can immediately be incorporated
>>>>>> into AS 6. At some point the refactoring of AS 5 will make it
>>>>>> look almost exactly as AS 6 or AS 6 will become fully
>>>>>> operational. At which we deprecate AS 5 (/trunk).
>>>>>> Carlo
>>>>>> Scott Stark wrote:
>>>>>>> We need to finalize the 3 month road map for AS5.x and its
>>>>>>> relation to AS6. The current discussions have been around
>>>>>>> embedded and EE6 type profiles and that we should focus on
>>>>>>> incorporating AS6 elements in the next AS5.x release that
>>>>>>> improve the following areas:
>>>>>>> * Unit Test Capabilities. The ability to embed JBoss inside
>>>>>>> unit tests so that they can be run with no special plugins
>>>>>>> within an IDE, vanilla maven testsuite, vanilla ant
>>>>>>> * Maven JBoss Plugin. You can define a configuration or
>>>>>>> override the default. Basically making it nice and easy to
>>>>>>> for maven people.
>>>>>>> * Bundling of embedded jopr for the management console
>>>>>>> * Get on-demand working for as many services as possible
>>>>>>> * Optimize boot time (JBoss 5 boots much slower than JBoss
>>>>>>> * Deprecate and prune components and move them to a
>>>>>>> folder so that they don't boot up with default config.
>>>>>>> Console, JMX-Console, Scheduler, EJB 2.x)
>>>>>>> * Clean up service dependencies so its easier to add/remove
>>>>>>> components and subsystems. This is related to on-demand as
>>>>>>> * Define proper packaging of services so that dependencies
>>>>>>> isolation of implementation details exist.
>>>>>>> * Profile service supporting subprofiles and proper
>>>>>>> abstraction to allow for simple requirements descriptions of
>>>>>>> services in a profile driving the post MC bootstrap loading
>>>>>>> services.
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